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Sip Smart & Spend Less
One way to save money and help the environment on UNCW's campus is to use a reusable cup when buying drinks at Dunkin, Starbucks, Port City Java, and Einstein’s. All of these locations offer a discount of 25 cents on eligible drinks when you bring your own cup. This means that you can enjoy your favorite beverage while reducing waste and saving some cash!

Port city java
Eligible Beverages:
- Cold Brew
- Tea
- Hot Coffee
- Ice Coffee

Eligible Beverages:
- Cold Brew
- Tea
- Hot Coffee
- Ice Coffee
Eligible Beverages:
- Cold brew
- Tea
- Hot Coffee
- Ice Coffee
Eligible Beverages:
- Cold brew
- Tea
- Hot Coffee
- Ice Coffee
Eligible Beverages:
- Cold brew
- Tea
- Hot Coffee
- Ice Coffee
Eligible Beverages:
- Cold brew
- Tea
- Hot Coffee
- Ice Coffee
Eligible Beverages:
- Cold brew
- Tea
- Hot Coffee
- Ice Coffee

Eligible Beverages:
- Cold Brew
- Tea
- Hot Coffee
- Iced Coffee

Eligible Beverages:
- Cold Brew
- Tea
- Hot Coffee
- Iced Coffee
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